Let us manage the impact of your organization’s pandemic response.

Governments, foundations, and nonprofits around the world are racing to protect the most vulnerable and stem the spread of the coronavirus. As billions in funding is rapidly disbursed, it’s tempting to allocate funds first and pick up the pieces later. Yet strategic clarity is even more critical in times of crisis. Impactful funding means supporting the physical, emotional, and economic well-being of the most vulnerable… not just those who apply first. Rather than doing away with due diligence, rapid methods of impact planning are needed.

Do Big Good is here to help.


Impact Planning Service



While M&E plans can take weeks or months to develop, our Impact Cascade process can identify a suite of impact metrics in as little as 90 minutes of consultation. Ensuring accountability for your project won’t mean lost time.


Fully Remote

Our global team has worked remotely since our company was founded. We are able to provide all services virtually—from one-on-one advising to participatory design workshops. In this way, we serve the world.



We’re charging COVID-19 projects on a sliding scale to make this service accessible to everyone who needs it. For example, the cost of defining impact metrics can be as low as 1% of the total fund disbursement.



We’ve worked for nonprofits, foundations, even the former President. We’ve been trained at Harvard and MIT. We have 40 years of experience in social change research and design. We’re ready to be your trusted partner.


Let’s Get to Work

Let us know how we can provide evaluation and accountability for your COVID-19 response. Chat with us using the pop-up on this page or email us through the contact form link below.


images: Marie Van den Broeck, Vectors Point, tezar tantular, and Andi Nur Abdillah from the Noun Project; freepik